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How to Maintain a Healthy Diet While Using Medical Marijuana

Interested in getting a medical marijuana card but unsure how it will affect your diet?  Before starting, it’s important to understand how it might influence your eating habits, hydration and intake levels. Being informed about how medical cannabis can influence your appetite and diet along with your qualifying medical condition will help you to fully benefit from the healing properties of medicinal marijuana!


Appetite Stimulation and Suppression

As most people know, medical marijuana affects your appetite. Depending on the strain and the individual, medical cannabis can either increase or decrease your hunger.

  • Increases in Appetite: When you think of medicinal marijuana and appetite, most people think of “the munchies,” This effect is typically associated with strains high in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). If you struggle with a lack of appetite due to a medical condition such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, or chronic illness, medicinal cannabis can help increase your desire to eat, so that you can get the necessary nutrients for your health and recovery, and mitigate some negative symptoms too. This can be particularly beneficial for patients undergoing treatments that reduce appetite, because it helps prevent malnutrition and weight loss.
  • Decreases in Appetite: On the other hand, some strains, particularly those high in CBD (cannabidiol), can help suppress appetite. This can be beneficial if you’re trying to manage your weight or reduce unhealthy snacking. While an increase in appetite can be beneficial, a suppression in appetite is sometimes more desired. Those with additional conditions like obesity or metabolic syndrome, using CBD-dominant strains can help control overeating and promote healthier eating habits.


Nutrient Intake and Healthy Eating

When using medical marijuana, it’s essential to be mindful of your food choices to ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs. Increasing your appetite is great, but it can lead to weight increases that negatively affect your health if you overeat or snack on unhealthy snacks.

  • Healthy Munchies: If you experience increased hunger, plan ahead by stocking up on healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, while avoiding buying too many sugary and sweet snacks. This way, you can satisfy your cravings without affecting your diet or increasing your weight. Preparing portion-controlled snacks in advance can help you avoid reaching for high-calorie, low-nutrient options when the munchies hit.
  • Balanced Meals: Incorporate a variety of foods into your meals to ensure you’re getting a balanced intake of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Medical marijuana can enhance your enjoyment of food, making it a great opportunity to experiment with new, nutritious recipes. Cooking with fresh, whole ingredients can turn your meals into a fun and healthy experience.


Managing Cravings and Portion Control

Medical marijuana can sometimes lead to intense cravings for specific foods, often those high in sugar or fat that have no or little nutritional value.

  • Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your hunger cues and practice mindful eating. Slow down, savor each bite, and listen to your body to avoid overeating. This practice can help you distinguish between actual hunger and the desire to eat triggered by medicinal marijuana use. Being mindful will also help you to choose the correct foods to snack on.
  • Portion Control: Use smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes. This can prevent you from consuming more calories than you need, even when you’re feeling especially hungry. Preparing single-serving portions of snacks and meals can help you stay within your dietary goals.


Effects on Metabolism

Medicinal Cannabis can also have an impact on your metabolism, which can influence how your body processes and uses nutrients. Each person is different, so be sure to monitor how medical marijuana is affecting your body.

  • Metabolic Rate: Some studies suggest that medicinal marijuana users may have a higher metabolic rate, which could potentially lead to lower body fat and better weight management. However, individual responses vary, so it’s important to monitor how your body reacts. If you notice changes in your weight or body composition, adjust your diet and medical cannabis use accordingly.
  • Blood Sugar Levels: Medical marijuana can affect blood sugar levels, which is particularly important for individuals with diabetes or other metabolic conditions. Monitoring your blood sugar levels regularly can help you manage any potential effects of medical cannabis on your metabolism. You don’t have to prick your finger every time, but if you notice that you haven’t eaten very much that day or you feel week after consuming medical cannabis, drink a soft drink or have a snack to put your blood sugar levels back to normal.


Hydration and Nutritional Supplements

Using medical marijuana can sometimes lead to dry mouth, also known as “cottonmouth.” Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining overall health.

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated. Herbal teas and other low-sugar beverages can also help. Keeping a water bottle with you can serve as a reminder to stay hydrated and can help alleviate the discomfort of dry mouth. You’ll also notice that you aren’t alerted to drinking more water while consuming medical marijuana, so keeping a cup of water or water bottle with you during use can help greatly.
  • Supplements: If you find that your diet is lacking in certain nutrients, consider taking supplements. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine which supplements are right for you. Supplements can help fill any nutritional gaps in your diet, ensuring you receive all the essential vitamins and minerals.



Medical marijuana can have a significant impact on your diet, influencing your appetite, caloric/nutritional intake, and overall eating habits. By understanding these effects and taking preparing before you consume medical cannabis, you can maintain a healthy, balanced diet that supports your well-being. Additionally, a well-balanced diet can help mitigate negative symptoms of your qualifying condition.

Ready to start your medical marijuana certification journey today? Start the certification process so you can get your medical cannabis card by clicking here!


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