Greenway Cert

GreenwayCert Medical Cannabis Certification Mississippi Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Qualifying Conditions:

ANSWER: The most common conditions that may qualify include chronic pain, cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and PTSD. For a complete list of qualifying medical conditions, click here. 

In Mississippi, minors may be eligible for medical cannabis certification with parental consent. Patients 18 – 25 years old will need two certifications.  The State Law requires that one of the certifications be from an licensed Medical Doctor and the other may be from a Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, or Optometrist.

For a full list of the benefits of becoming certified for your medical marijuana card, click here.

Certification Process

ANSWER: The process for getting certified for and getting your medical cannabis card involves a consultation with a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or optometrist who is authorized to certify patients for the use of medical cannabis. During the consultation, the physician will review your medical history and determine if you have a qualifying condition. If you do, the physician will issue a recommendation for certification, which is required to receive your medical marijuana card. 

The certification process is finalized by the Mississippi Department of Health and takes up to 10 days to complete. In our experience, the application is usually accepted much sooner, and we are in contact with the Mississippi Department of Health frequently. 

At Greenway Medical Certifications the initial consultation fee is $200, and follow-up appointments through telemedicine are $100.

To see the whole certification process, please click here.

Using Medical Marijuana

ANSWER: Medicinal marijuana can be used in a variety of ways, including smoking, vaping, edibles, and tinctures. However, the specific method of use will depend on the patient’s individual needs and preferences. For a full breakdown of how to use medical marijuana, click here.

Some common side effects of using medical cannabis include dry mouth, red eyes, increased appetite, and drowsiness. To find out which type of medical cannabis is right for you, click here.

Driving or operating any sort of machinery is strictly prohibited after the use of medical marijuana.

Legal Considerations

ANSWER: Medical marijuana is legal in some form in over 30 states, but the laws and regulations vary by state. 

In Mississippi, employers may be allowed to terminate employees for using medical cannabis, even if it’s prescribed by a licensed physician. At Greenway Medical we advise all patients to discuss you use of medical cannabis with your employer prior to certification in order to avoid any unnecessary negative event.  

Every state is different for traveling with medical cannabis and some do not allow you to cross state lines with any product, so be sure to check the State’s laws and regulations before traveling. 

Other Considerations

ANSWER: Patient confidentiality is a top priority at Greenway Medical Certifications, and your information and use will be kept confidential in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 

If you experience negative side effects from medical cannabis, you should contact your physician immediately. 

It’s also important to follow your physician’s instructions for stopping or reducing your use of medical marijuana, as abruptly stopping use may have negative effects on your health.

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Initial Consultations are required to be IN-PERSON